India Seashell Museum QR Code

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India Seashell Museum QR Code

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Mr.Raja Mohammed, a man with an imperishable will power, is a living example of a good old saying "Dedicated passion can make amazing wonders." Devoting 33 years of his life and his hard-earned money to this zeal has brought him unprecedented fame and recognition. There was a glow of eternal happiness in his eyes as he stated,"With the financial support of my maternal uncle,i have been successful in accumulating sea shells from small to large and from the ordinary to the exotic.My collection is from all parts of the world. I had to part with plots of family land to make long-held dream a reality.That was establish an exclusive sea shell museum." His idea was to unearth marine treasure of the world and share the knowledge so gained with the rest of the world.His enthusiasm and vibrancy are astonishing. Words are inadequate to describe his bubbling interest in this rare field of work.

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